Monday, February 13, 2012

Bot Macro Auto Vend Refill

In your macros.txt

automacro vend { (Vending of Whites)
delay 1
console /Your Coordinates./
cart "White Potion" > 1
call open_shop
timeout 10

macro open_shop {
do move prontera 158 193 (The location of Selling)
pause 1
call open_shop_now

macro open_shop_now {
do move prontera 158 193 (The location of Selling)
pause 5
call open_my_shop

macro open_my_shop {
do move prontera 158 193 (The location of Selling)
pause 1
do openshop

automacro get_whites { (Buying of Whites)
location prontera
console /sold out: White Potion/
cart "White Potion" < 100
exclusive 1
call Buy_whites

macro Buy_whites {
do closeshop
do move prt_in 131 71 (Prontera Inn Location)
pause 1
do talk @npc (126 76) (Prontera Tool Dealer Location)
do store
pause 1
do buy 5 100 (The number of whites that you will buy)
pause 1
do cart add White Potion
pause 1
do move prontera 158 193

automacro vend_again { (Vending Again)
delay 1
location prontera 158 193 (The location of Selling)
call open_shop
timeout 10

macro open_shop {
do move prontera 158 193 (The location of Selling)
pause 1
do openshop