Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Packet Tokenizer Error In New Iris

Go to your openkore folder

Open the Tables folder

Open the pRO folder

open the recvpackets-valkyrie.txt then copy and replace to recvpackets.txt

Ragnarok New Iris Bot

Here is the new configuration of pRO bot for the new server the New Iris.

Go to your main folder

Go to Tables

Go to server.txt

then copy and paste this code

[Philippines - pRO: New Iris]
port 6900
master_version 15
version 1
secureLogin 1
secureLogin_type 0
secureLogin_account 0
serverType mRO
patchpath /patch50
storageEncryptKey 0x050B6F79, 0x0202C179, 0x0E20120, 0x04FA43E3, 0x0179B6C8, 0x05973DF2, 0x07D8D6B, 0x08CB9ED9
serverEncoding Tagalog
charBlockSize 116
gameGuard 1
recvpackets recvpackets.txt
addTableFolders pRO