Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Bot Macro Autovend


Open your Config.txt in your control folder your lockmap and randomwalk must be clear

Then in your shop.txt put your vending items

On the first line you will put the name of your shop then two spaces below and the items you want to vend

On your Macros.txt put this code to autovend your shop

automacro vend {
delay 1
console /Other players are not allowed to view your Equipment./
cart "Elite Siege Supply Box" < 10
call open_shop
timeout 10

macro open_shop {
do move alberta 173 59
pause 1
call open_shop_now

macro open_shop_now {
do move alberta 173 59
pause 5
call open_my_shop

macro open_my_shop {
do move alberta 173 59
pause 1
do openshop