Input this codes in your Macro.txt
automacro createPub {
console /^Your Coordinates: /i
exclusive 1
delay 2
call {
$chatroomname = Back2Basics Buffs (Chatroom Name)
do chat create "$chatroomname"
automacro sampleGuildBuffer {
console /\[dist=(.*)\] (.*) \((\d+)\): \*(.*)\*$/i
exclusive 1
call {
$dist = $.lastMatch1
$name = $.lastMatch2
$index = $.lastMatch3
$emo = $.lastMatch4
if (checkGuild("$index")) goto guild
goto end
if ($dist > 8) goto outOfRange
if ($emo == Flag 3) goto buffs
if ($emo == Help) goto heal
goto end
do e e9
goto end
do chat leave
do sp 28 $index #heal
pause 2
do sp 28 $index #heal
pause 2
do sp 28 $index #heal (for the skill of Heal)
goto pub
do chat leave
do sp 34 $index #blessing (Skill of Blessing)
do sp 29 $index #agi up (skill of Agi )
pause 4
goto pub
do chat create "$chatroomname"
do e e29
goto end
sub checkGuild {
my $index = shift;
my $quild = $players{$playersID[$index]}->{guild} ? $players{$playersID[$index]}->{guild}{name} : "none";
if ($quild =~ /Back2Basics/i || ($config{guild} && existsInList($config{guild}, $quild))) { (Input of Guilds you want to buffs)
return 1
return 0
You can also add a Buffs skill on the Buffs line by doing the
do sp 256 $index #assuptio
automacro createPub {
console /^Your Coordinates: /i
exclusive 1
delay 2
call {
$chatroomname = Back2Basics Buffs (Chatroom Name)
do chat create "$chatroomname"
automacro sampleGuildBuffer {
console /\[dist=(.*)\] (.*) \((\d+)\): \*(.*)\*$/i
exclusive 1
call {
$dist = $.lastMatch1
$name = $.lastMatch2
$index = $.lastMatch3
$emo = $.lastMatch4
if (checkGuild("$index")) goto guild
goto end
if ($dist > 8) goto outOfRange
if ($emo == Flag 3) goto buffs
if ($emo == Help) goto heal
goto end
do e e9
goto end
do chat leave
do sp 28 $index #heal
pause 2
do sp 28 $index #heal
pause 2
do sp 28 $index #heal (for the skill of Heal)
goto pub
do chat leave
do sp 34 $index #blessing (Skill of Blessing)
do sp 29 $index #agi up (skill of Agi )
pause 4
goto pub
do chat create "$chatroomname"
do e e29
goto end
sub checkGuild {
my $index = shift;
my $quild = $players{$playersID[$index]}->{guild} ? $players{$playersID[$index]}->{guild}{name} : "none";
if ($quild =~ /Back2Basics/i || ($config{guild} && existsInList($config{guild}, $quild))) { (Input of Guilds you want to buffs)
return 1
return 0
You can also add a Buffs skill on the Buffs line by doing the
do sp 256 $index #assuptio